Friday, 31 December 2010

Bro. Ibe: Leader, mentor & worthy example

When Paul said, "Be ye followers of me", it was because he himself was a follower of God. During the FAITH CLINIC days, many "followed" Bro. Ibe because he was a lover and follower of God. He personified the love of God and was both accessible and approachable by many that came to him.

Almost everyone I have interviewed so far remember the days of eating bread and coke after a long night of ministration. If you did not know who Bro. Ibe was, you would not be able to distinguish him among the workers as they all sat and enjoyed fellowship together. He had a sense humour that sometimes made people crack up in laughter. Such was the down-to-earth nature of this man of God.

What drew people to Bro. Ibe? The character of God, which is love. He was also secure in his love for and relationship with God that he did not mind raising and promoting other ministers around him. And he raised many young men and women, giving them the opportunity and platform to serve God. There was no competition or conflict of interest; everyone gathered to serve God and minister to His people. There was no difference when Bro. Ibe was around FAITH CLINIC and when he was not. The atmosphere was the same; the miracles always happened.

Bro. Ibe led by example. He led a life of servitude, sacrifice, humility, faith and passion. He set a standard that challenged those around him. He was firm when correcting those who erred, but did so in love and with much encouragement. He was also sold out to the cause of Christ. He gave his generation all that God gave to him.

There are many leaders in the Body of Christ today, but so few worthy of emulation. Bro. Ibe is one of those to learn from, and that is why his story is more that due to be told.

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