He's much older now and still passionate about God. We shared fellowship and updated on a few things. I confessed that the book projected was more or less on hold, but assured that it will gather more pace when I could spend more time seeing and interviewing people in Nigeria.
I noticed a new construction going on just by the entrance of the premises. It is on the same spot where the first make-shift building was raised when Faith Clinic meetings moved from Adamasingba Stadium to the newly acquired plot of land just off the Sango-Eleyele by pass. Oh how I remember that spot!...
My last visit to Faith Clinic in December 1992 before moving to UK was at this very place. There were not as many people in attendance, compared to the UCH or Adamasingba crowds. I was sitting on one of the long, wooden benches close to the back of the shed. In the course of the evening, they began to show us a video teaching by Morris Cerrulo. Sure, this was an unusual programme in Faith Clinic, and I cannot recall if there were other ministrations before or after the video session (I can only assume there was). I cannot remember, either, what Morris Cerrulo taught on the video other than the fact it was one of the ones in which he taught using a green board and chalk.
In spite of the unusual nature of the meeting, something happened to me that I have remembered ever since. A burden came upon me and waves of spiritual emotion swept through my body. I crouched on the bench and prayed from my heart, committing the whole of my life to God and His agenda on the earth. As I continued in this state, I heard the Lord speaking clearly in my spirit words that have never left me. He said, "Son you are going to the UK. I am not sending you to pastor a church; I am not sending you to lead worship; I am not giving you to a single congregation." Although my eyes were full of tears and my body was shaking all over, these words registered in the depth of my spirit, and they continue to speak to me even today...
Anyway, the new construction, Bro. Adolphus said, will serve as the meeting place for the church and the present auditorium will be used by the youth. I can only pray that the Lord will continue to meet with His people there and give some encounters that they will remember for the rest of their lives!
If you once attended Faith Clinic and have a story to tell, please get in touch with me (israel@bookswithamission.org). The work is still in progress!