When you read the biblical account of the woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years, the woman who was bent over for 18, or the man who was invalid for 38, all of whom received miraculous turnarounds from Jesus, if care is not taken, they will seem like "nice stories" that we cannot relate to. They are too spectacular and "out of this world" to provide any lasting inspiration in our walk with God. What we forget is that the
supernatural should be
natural to us when we are truly walking in the spirit and light of God's truth.
Such was the reality that surrounded FAITH CLINIC Ibadan in those days. The miraculous was normal during each meeting. People got healed. Many more got delivered from devils. There was no gimmick or fanfare; the power of God was always present to destroy the works of Satan.
I recently read Alive At Last!, an account of the deliverance of Sis. Christie Ifebueme from a life of bondage and oppression. She had spent many years seeking for a solution to her many woes. She went from one prayer house to another, spending money and performing rituals. All these could not prevent her children dying, the attacks on her marriage, the affliction and oppression in dreams, to name a few. This was a real woman with a real problem, in need of a real and lasting miracle.
I highlight her story because of the simplicity of how the Lord delivered her (in the same simple yet powerful way Jesus met needs when He walked the earth). A friend of Sis. Christie had invited her to a Full Gospel Business Men's meeting. She went reluctantly and was only interested in the food. God, however, had plans for her. She jokingly responded to the "altar call" only to find herself arrested by the power of God.
While unconscious on the floor, Sis. Christie saw herself in a vision where a man in white garments beckoned to her and said, My daughter, this is the end of your problems. Go to Dr. Ibeneme; he will help you and tell you what to do. By the time she came to herself two hours later, she could not stop weeping and crying out, Dr. Ibeneme, the Lord said I should come to you. The meeting had finished, but as God would have it, Bro. Ibe was in the meeting, counselling with some people. Bro. Ibe would later write in the foreword of Alive At Last!:
That night I was called to see this nicely dressed Igbo woman who had all her clothes completely soaked with tears and was asking for me. Yet I had never met her before. I calmed her down and was able to counsel with her, assuring her that the Lord has accepted her and was going to deliver her completely.
Bro. Ibe invited Sis. Christie to attend FAITH CLINIC the following weekend. When she arrived, she was disappointed not to see Dr. Ibeneme because he had gone for an outside ministration. But, you see, Bro. Ibe was never the deliverer in FAITH CLINIC; it was always Christ. God used, in Sis. Christie's words, "a young boy, an undergraduate of the University of Ibadan" to minister to her. That night she was gloriously delivered!
Thank God Sis. Christie wrote her testimony! There are hundreds of testimonies that are yet to be written. Some of these need to be documented so that believers can understand that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Did you attend FAITH CLINIC in Ibadan? Do you have real stories of what God did in the lives of real people? Stories that happened before witnesses and can be verified? Please let us know; let the world know to the glory of God!